Yium delivered my first child. She knew I wanted another baby. I miscarried & she handled that well. When I was pregnant the next time she said the sac was empty & that she could give me something to start the miscarriage. I said I'd wait. After researching a little & finding that sometimes it's too early to see the embryo (can take up to 11 weeks from what I've read several times) I called the Nurse to inquire about a twisted uterus. She dismissed me telling me that had nothing to do w/it. Saw dr 2 weeks later as scheduled, still nothing. I still refused meds preferring for Nature to takes its course. I was only 9 weeks (actually prob only 6 -- cycle had been going haywire for several months). Called Nurse again just to ask if dr would draw blood just to see where counts were. She had not done any testing up this point. Nurse sounded irritated & said she was calling in meds to make me miscarry. Decided to end relationship with Dr. then. Dr called next day -- started out condescening. She really wasn't looking out for my best interest -- peace of mind -- although she said that they would have done a 3rd ultra sound. I asked ""when?"" because her nurse would have had me already taking the miscarriage inducing meds. When a dr/nurse calls in a rx you're not expected to see the dr before you start taking it. I wasn't being unrealistic. It was just being forced on me even though I was still in my first trimester. misdiagnosedmiscarriage is a great source.
Pros: Easy to get to
Cons: too quick to push for abortion