Two strikes and you're out - that's my motto for this mediterranean den of sub par service.\r
I tolerated the extended delay to receive my dinner the first time I dined at Olea - and when the food arrived they had messed up the order - but the food was pretty good and I was in no rush - so I forgave them. But on a recent Sunday brunch excursion, I was greeted by a uniformly unfriendly staff - starting with the hostess and extending to foul faced wait staff.\r
We were seated at nearly 3pm - well after the sunday brunch rush - and another unacceptable delay was in store for us. At 3:30pm after repeated inquiries about the food they offered to buy our drinks without offering any explanation. When 4pm ticked by, the novice hostess came to tell us that they could not tell us when the food would be ready. Clearly you jest you're thinking! But I kid you not - the worst ""restaurant"" I've been to in a long time. Perhaps they need a crystal ball because this establishment should not call itself a restaurant if they are unable to produce the meals they advertise. This is obviously a result of poor management - surly, incompetent staff cannot run a place to the ground without the manager's approval. No mediterranean warmth, no mediterranean food - clearly a NO from me.