It is a great feeling as a woman to go into an automtive repair shop and get treated as equally as a man. Usually the service men talk to women like we are stupid but at Randys Automotive they talk to you and show you exaclty what is wrong with your car and will tell you if it has to be fixed right then or if it can wait. They do not try and make your bill astronomical but will work with you on what you can do at that moment in time. \r
They are very friendly on the phone and will help you with transporting you to your work place or even helping you get a rental car with no problem. i love it here and i will continue to go back! \r
I would recommend anyone to visit this place and see the great mechanics work first hand and get treated with the greatest respect.
Pros: Great Place for Women to go and not get talked down to.
Cons: There were NO cons!