I mean this is rediculous. people say they should raise the price?? they dont know what they are talking about do you have a family of 5. thats already 150.00 just to get it. To tell you the truth yoou cant really trust these negative reviews they are useually just people venting. long lines??? yes of course just like any other park. you can see over 8000 people on the weekends so i say why are u complaining about lines. that is a given for a theme park and the price. some say its to much????? Have you gone to disney lately?????? thats 60 bucks A day. thats season pass pricing for raging waters. you just need to come mon-thurs to avoid long lines its simple common sense guys. Youll only be disapointed if you come looking to find something amiss in the park. O and no security??? Did you look at the gates and all the Cameras>> You cant just kick someone out cause you think they look like a ""Ganster""... people have rights if thier no trouble they stay just like everyone lse who has the right tobe thier. All in all it seems people complain about Price Lines and the price welll i say you knew it all before you went so how can you mark down a place when you didnt do your hw thats on you not the park itself. anyway i beleave thousands would agree its a great place to have a good time. very family friendly.
Pros: great rides. great price for the park.
Cons: foods a bit pricy but still tastes great