If you feel like you must have any business with this company please have Sam and Chris in the same room at the same time, they have very different values and customer ettiquette, agreements made are not honored if one or the other one is not there! regardless of the contract. Sam will have you to come back repeatedly to resolve issues that he feels he doesnt want to deal with you on and ask you to wait for Chris, and still not being resolved because He (Sam) is the Boss! They dont treat their customers as if they want them to return, Patronize this company at you own risk, or you too may be sorry, they will charge you for things you didnt use, like mileage you assumed you were going to use, that you paid for in advance but didnt use but charge you for it anyway!! People need to hear more about what this company does to the consumer. Find you another company in the area, I am so happy that they are not the only company in the area to serve as a rental agency!! Be Blessed in all of you interpersonal business, but dont go to this place!! Remember Sam and Chris, so as you reap, you shall truly sow! Yes, the world is round!
Pros: Nice vehicles
Cons: Nasty Nasty Nasty People