You can stop shopping for the perfect colorist. She's right here and a true artist. I've had nothing but rave rewiews of my hair since I've been going to "my Bella Color". Not only from friends, but PERFECT STRANGERS...I've been stopped in malls, car washes, drive-through, clubs, parites, restaraunts, make-up counters, and once on Sunset Blvd, a car full of women yelled as they were driving by "We love your hair!" I also have long hair-STILL, and it's in beautiful condition thanks to "My Bella Color". Just recently tried a much anticipated change to my hair color...I don't know what I'd do without My Bella. They actually LISTEN to my wants and needs for my hair. Truly brilliant results!!!!!!! And it's such a bonus that I never feel rushed, and get such a welcome feeling from one of the FINEST colorists Los Angeles will EVER know. No fast food hair here, girls. Don't wake me up, My Bella Color is my dream salon.
Pros: incredible personal attention, creative atmosphere, color
Cons: not even one