I've been to lots of bars and nightclubs in my time (umm, some may say too many) but noplace on earth is there a place like The Greenville Inn. Ever wonder what it would be like to have your very own band playing at your very own house at your very own blow the roof off the house kick your heals in the air and scream hallaluja once in a lifetime life altering party to end all parties? How about that same party every night? Thats The Ville. Don't worry, if you're shy about lettin loose, look around. Everybody's partying right along side you. And the bands, the bands.......what can I say? Ted Riser, Skinny Moo, Armstrong Bearcat just to name a few......THEY ROCK THEY ROLL THEY TAKE YOU TO ANOTHER PLACE! WOOOOHAAAA! I get excited just thinking about it.
Pros: The Bands, The Party, The Bands
Cons: latenight food?, so many women, so little time