I have a 323I 2000, the transmission went @ 91K, so I took it to them and they showed me that the transmission was bad. I said rebuild it, they did (or so I Thought).The same problem that I had the first time with my tranny was back but additionally it was leaking also.
I took it to a transmission shop that specializes in BMW, mercedes..
They took it apart and told me that the transmission was never rebuilt.
I had them do the work, 4 Days later I picked up the car and gave me an itemized bill. Multistate never gave me an itemized bill and I thought that was strange.
I spent $2700,00 at multistate to have the trans rebuilt and it never was.
Then I spent (Because of Multistates either incompetence or them just being rip off artists) $3000.00 at the place on the east coast.