I use to be the biggest fan of Montego Bay. It was a warm festive oasis in the city of rainy gray days. It's far from what it used to be. It used to be extra warm in the restaurant and now it's extra cold. The yummy toto bread used to be served warm and now it's cold. I used to be able to get mixed drinks, now there is never anyone around to make the drinks. There use to be the friendly Jamaican waiter transfusing us with his culture and now there are white people from Portland. There used to be live reggae every Friday and Saturday night, but now it happens infrequently. What happened to the Jamaican Bay I loved? It has to be under new management? Please new management, please bring back the warm island get away! These days are depressing me!
Pros: Music, Appetizer Bread
Cons: Cold, Below Average Service, sometimes you can't get mixed drink