Before I moved from LA about a year ago, I regularly saw an acupuncturist to manage my hypertension and stress. My old acupuncturist had practiced in China for over thirty years and was a very knowledgeable and friendly old man. So it came as no surprise to me when I found my first three acupuncturists in NYC inexperienced and ineffective. After a coworker told me about Dr. Chen and active acupuncture, I came in for a session and was immediately impressed by her technique and positive energy. Her treatments and herbs worked wonders for my blood-pressure and stress and even had a positive effect on my appetite and bowel movements. I have now been seeing Dr. Chen for almost half a year and the treatments continue to impress me. If my friends and family lived on the East Coast, I would make them see her immediately!
Pros: Experienced and effective. Great location near Columbus Circle. Very personal care.
Cons: Weekends are available but must book far in advance.