June '06 - I was in there for a routine oil check and a burned out headlight for my '87 Buick Electra Estate Wagon. While I was there, I asked them to also take a look at my electrical problems. The oil change was not a problem. However, at first they said they didn't have my type of headlight and wouldn't be able to get the part. I was just about to pull my car out of the shop when they found one and convinced me they could install it - which they said was difficult to do. It cost 3 times as much if I had done it myself. Now here it is, 6 months later, and that very same headlight has gone out!!! And as for my electrical problems, they said the car was too old and there wasn't much available information about a car that old. BS!! The only good thing about the place was the front desk man with the London accent. I will not go back there again.