I came you to more than a year ago. Your predictions were so accurate! I want to return for another reading. Just to give some feedback: In my first reading, you predicted that I would move to NYC from Upstate New York. At the time I did not plan or have the income to support such a moveespecially to Manhattan. Well, circumstances changed in my income due to a promotion. My wifes income changed as well. We searched for schools for our daughter and found the best choice to be in Manhattan and so we moved. Not only was your prediction right, but the timing was right on.\r
Before coming for the reading I had many dreams about my grandfather who had died many years ago. In these dreams he appeared to be helping me. Not knowing anything about me, you picked up on my grandfather and told me that he was helping me.\r
During the reading I asked you if you could psychically find my lost wedding band. You saw it to the right of the stoop in the front of my house, lodged into the grass. We had a lot of snow upstate, so finding this would be unlikelyor so I thought. You said it would be found sometime in December. Well, I forgot about this prediction, until one day in early December, I was entering my house and happen to notice something shining in a area to the right of my front stoop where some of the snow had melted. Right there sitting on top of the exposed grass was my wedding band---exactly where you saw it in your vision.\r
I am flabbergasted at your accuracy! There is only one way you would have been able to give me such a good readingYou are psychic! And I must say, quite gifted. Ill be calling you soon for another session. Thanks, Steve!
Pros: Accurate predictions
Cons: none!