At the first reading, I was sold on Stephens talent! At the time, I lived in New Jersey with my wife and daughters. I was starting a business from home. In that reading, I asked about the future of the business, whether or not I would need to move and to where. Stephen, very confidently told me that my business would be very successful, that I would move to California, that I would rent a house during my first year living there. Then he closed his eyes. I assumed he was going into an altered state. When he emerged from his trance he said that he saw me buying a house in Newport Beach and that my company would be bought out and that I would make a profit on that division of it.\r
It is now 4 years later and Stephens predictions came out to the letter. I did move to a rented home in LA. My business prospered and later I successfully sold a division just as he said. For nearly 2 years my wife and I searched the area around LA for an affordable house. We looked in numerous locations and did not have our mind set on any particular spot. For us the main consideration was affordability and size. \r
Lo and behold, an agent led us to the perfect house at a great price---RIGHT IN NEWPORT BEACH! We are now happily living in that house. I have heard many good things about Stephen; he appeared to have a reputation for being a psychic of a higher caliber than the others. As an engineer with a logical, scientific mind I was skeptical of psychics in general. But at the time I needed to get some insight. Little did I know at the time how much detail and accuracy I would get. If you want a good, professional reading go to this guy. I only know that it worked for me. Now I see Stephen for an annual psychic check-up. Its fun and accurate!
Pros: He records the reading for you