kwakey is crazy and maybe a little over sensitive! they have a dress code! its posted at the front door! it had nothing to do with the fact that you were an ""inter-racial"" couple... c'mon! it says right on the sign at the front door... ""no hats, no sleeveless shirts""!!! this isn't the normal bowling alley. you don't grab a pitcher of beer and bowl with your league... this is a higher end type place so of course theyre gonna have a dress code. i know because my friend couldn't come in because she had on sweat pants... and you know what... now that i think about it i think they were discriminating against us because we are a mixed couple... she's polish and i'm irish... it has nothing to do with the posted dress code... no ... they were discriminating. doesn't that sound a little silly? get over it KWAKEY!
Pros: great setting
Cons: too many hip-hop thugs