over 300"" of snow yearly, great groomed runs, back-country style runs just a short hike away on most mountains. Buttermilk has a large park, while Ajax and Highlands have some crazy steeps and homicidal bumps. Snowmass is tha best of them all, with every variety of terain you may be searching for. All 4 mountains are easily accessible from any of tha others via their fantastic shuttle services. Tha nightlife is greats with most bars staying open untill 2am, and tha resturants are world class. On ajax and highlands there is a bit of a snobby feel, but that is easily overcome; but Snowmass village it is far more laid back. Overall, tha reason i keep coming back is for tha people; From every continent on tha planet, tha people are tha nicest and friendliest i have ever met. Everyone should make tha venture , you will not regreat it.
Pros: Great runs, fantastic hospitality, you wont want to leav
Cons: bad timing - holidays, pricey, weather-when flyingin