Every since I was old enough to remember (I am 42 now), my extended family has used this funeral home. In the more recent past, this tradition continued with my mom and my aunt's deaths. In both cases the viewings were at this funeral home but the actual funerals were moved to the church they attended. I haven't had anything to do with the preceedings except for in the case of my mother's death, I did sit in on the decision making. The funeral home pick wasn't up for discussion just some of the choices that needed made. In the cases of all family funerals (lots over the years), the funeral directors have been very professional yet ever so compassionate and kind. Everything was always very nice but since I was there last, there have been renovations. I haven't ever compared prices but we are quite a frugal family. None of the funerals I attended were for rich people, so I can only assume the prices are very reasonable. God forbid we need a funeral home anytime soon. However, i