The food here only pretends to be healthful. It's overloaded with refined carbohydrates (pizzas with huge white flour crusts, white rice, sugary desserts, sweetened drinks) and low in protein and fiber. While every pizza does have small amounts of veggies and protein, they are minuscule compared to the size of the crust. Mostly you are served a big pile o' starch. The only truly healthful thing on the menu is the Caesar salad, which is delicious but doesn't really conform to any known definition of Caesar salad, containing, as it does, tomatoes, olives, broccoli, and tofu. I don't know why they don't call it a tossed salad.
This is too bad, because Veggie Planet has so many wonderful principles: buy local, eat organic, etc.
Going to a show at Club Passim? Eat beforehand. If you have to eat there, get the salad or order your food on brown rice.
Pros: music, inexpensive, oragnic
Cons: carb fest, low protein, not real health food