Please do not take your animals there. We had a wonderful black lab for 10 yrs. She developed arthritis in her joints and Dr. Pitts put Cuddle on Rimadyl. We were assured by him that this was safe for dogs. After our dog was on this, she began bleeding through her nose and mouth. We took her back to vet and he told us our dog had an absessed tooth and needed to be removed. We scheduled surgery for a Wed. The following day she was bleeding heavily from all over, we took her back again and was told it was from a tooth and given antibiotics for her to take before surgery. That night my dog was bleeding out all over the house and had to be rushed elsewhere. It was never her tooth. It was from the Rimadyl, she had no more white cells, lungs were full of blood and we were told she only had 30% chance or survival and had to be put down. They are unprofessional, uncaring, and will lie about meds in order to sell without giving you the warnings. Not to mention misdiagnosing major problems.