This course has gone down hill over the past few years. It is, at best, an average muni course. Expect the rules to be enforced and won't bend if the woman pro is in the club house except for the most important one. Pace of play. She has no tolerance for any others being bent and the course is usually jammed up terribly trying to fit everyone in. This couse could be a great test of a players ability but unfortunately it has gone the way of most muni's in that the greens are average at best, the hole cutting is inconsistent, the fairways are so-so, the bunkers are wet gravel and the pins are the same every day of the week. If you are an average hacker, this is ok but if you are looking for a nice course to play on your vacation, there are much better options.
Pros: Nice Views, Nice Layout, Walkable
Cons: Poor staff, Poor Greenskeeping, Too Crowded