While I read the latest unfavorable review, I must say that although I have not been back for two years, I have dinned at Austins on at least 6 occsasions. We have dinned all over the LV Area, and Austins, was always a pleasure! As a world traveler I have had the pleasure of many fine emporiums. The ambiance is one of the most pleasant. It is a shame that the unhappy diner, was not pleased, as I have always enjoyed their presentations, and the variety of tastes. The customer should have brought it to the attention of the Matre D. As he would have immediately remedied their situation. This is a fine dinning ad well managed operation. It is hard to imagine that it has fallen from one of the best, but my curiosity is now peaked and I will hold my next dinner party there!
Semper Fi
Pros: Fine Dinning, Attractive Presentati, Pleasant Staff
Cons: Not at this time