I went to the e.r. about two saturdays ago, with the flu symptoms, strep throat, a ruptured eardrum (with blood coming out of my right ear), nausea, and all that good vomiting stuff. I figured that since I had blood coming from my ear that they might do something soon about , oh and did I forget to mention that I was running a 102 fever? It took about an hour and a half for just the nurse to triage me. There were other patients that came after me that didn't seem that bad, that were called ahead of me. One guy who had a headache, and I had blood coming from my ear. After the lovely time in triage, it took another two hours before I was taken back to my bed. I was being taken care of by a lovely nurse named Daisy, and Dr Amato was excellent in her treatment and pain management for me, but what I didn't care for was the three and a half hour wait time for what I thought was urgent. Some of the nurses thought it was fun and game time rather than to try and hurry up the triage wait time.