I've been living across the street from the B&O restaurant for a while, now, and have had to suffer many friends choosing it as their dessert restaurant of the evening. I simply am unable to comprehend why it is so popular. The desserts are quite decent, for the most part (stay far, far away from the Apple Cobbler - but do try the Chocolate Pot). Their drinks are also tasty and cleverly concocted.
However, the prices are astronomical (I recall, last time, having a good laugh about a SEVEN-DOLLAR BOWL OF OATMEAL). The service is inexcusable. I've never had what I would consider even reasonable service there.
By all means, go and check it out. For some odd reason, it's quite popular; it may be just that my fifteen experiences were all flukes. I'm going to continue to doubt that sincerely, but for some reason, Seattlites seem to like it.
Pros: Creative drinks, Tasty desserts, Extensive coffee menu
Cons: Price, Service, Poor non-dessert food