This one has a few kinks, but there are some things Ole does well. The back of the restaurant's raw silk wall and the chandeliers over booths set a great mood with a well executed design. around the corner however is a view of televisions and an open entryway that's distracting. The wine list could stand to be much heavier on the spanish selections and lose those bottles that every restaurant feels they have to have. The best tapas are the Goats Cheese with Honey and the Halibut Carpaccio with an unbelievable lavender sauce. After my second visit I knew the menu better than my waiters. I would like to see that change. It would be great if this restaurant would adapt, perservere, and make the necessarry changes to become and remain a great restaurant. I'll still go!
Pros: Goat Cheese and Honey, Carpaccio