Most tacos in L.A. are authentic Mexican-style tacos. That means they come in miniscule soft tortilla shells, heavy on the cilantro and onions, and with no cheese. That's great, if you like "authentic" tacos. But if you like hard-shelled tacos with cheese--perhaps something a little more Americanized--then Tito's may be the place for you. They serve up a cheap, tasty taco. The meat is kind of a shredded beef and they come with cheddar (I believe) cheese. Tito's also provides their own special salsa, which is not too hot or spicy.
Tito's is usually very crowded. You can order outside or inside. To me, it seems like there is always a bigger line on the outside (and it's cold outside). So, I advise you to order inside. It's tough to find enough seating so plan on taking your tacos home. One last benefit, they give you a LOT of chips.
Pros: tacos, cheap, diverse crowd
Cons: lines of people, full parking lot