I have been going to Therapeutic Kneads for many years now. You must go have a massage. The only time you cannot go is if you are sick. If your allergies are bothering you, I swear, I was cured. One day I went in, and she cleared my sinuses. But for the most part, the atmosphere is wonderful, the people are wonderful. We always tell the woman that gives the massages that she has magic hands. She does. Whether you have tension or not, soon as she puts her hands on you, you muscles listen and relax. She is always booked, so you have to make an appointment way in advanced.
This place is not about funny business. It's a wonderful establishment, very professional, yet very welcoming.
Her partner gives facials and massages. There are more girls working their now that know how to do the facials and massages. This is also a wonderful option. This woman and her team work miracles as well.