This company Bo movers Pro Movers owned by melissa and william rogers located at 609 logwood briar cir moved my stuff from nashville to Boston, They made my husband pay cash on delivery and never issued a reciept, they drove our 10,000 dollar motorcyle dumping it causing damage. They returned our 1500 dollar fridge to nashville kicking it off the back of thier truck. They told BBB they had moved us but told me to prove they moved us. I sued and was granted a 11,375 dollar judement in Small claims. To date they refuse to issue proof of INS and refuse to pay or dispute judement ordered aginainst them in the Davidson county General session court. I am still trying to get my damages and it has been a year or so. BEWARE THIER BIG ADD IN THE YELLOW PAGES IS FALSE THEY WILL SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!