If you think any of the Versailes locations in L.A. is what Cuban food is all about, you're missing out on some delicious meals, better service and more comfortable environs.
The Versailes location on La Cienega is a diner that serves average food in a dumpy little place with mediocre servers. The Versailes location in Encino is pretty much the same, although parking can be tricky. The food is pretty bland there, too.
The Versailes on Venice Blvd. is the first one I went to, and boy was I disappointed. If you're in a hurry, this place is for you -- come in, eat our food, and then get the hell out.
If you're looking for that truly delicious hole-in-the-wall that is the most ""authentic"" of what you'd find in La Habana Pequeña in Miami, go to EL RINCON CRIOLLO on Sepulveda Bl. in Culver City.