Mall of American is Big. Really Big. It's often crowded, it's always noisy, and it doesn't have anything other malls don't. It just has MORE of them. Every mall in the country can probably say they have a Victoria's Secret; MOA has several. Likewise Bath and Body Works, Limited, Coffee Shops, and shops selling tacky memorabilia. Looking for unique stores, with stuff you won't find anywhere else? Don't look here; with the exception of the cheese shop there aren't any. There were some when it opened, but they've all gone away to be replaced with MOA gift shops and places selling overpriced ball caps.
Don't go with kids. If it's crowded you won't be able to get anywhere with the stroller. If you don't have a stroller, they'll get tired of walking before you're halfway around.
Overpriced, oversized, overrated.
Pros: free parking, great exercise
Cons: , noisy, repetitive