This place makes it worth your money as far as food and service is concerned and it's really not so expensive to begin with. You should try weekdays instead of weekends (better chances of running into more of them). I'm not Hollywood-crazed but it's simply just fun to be sitting next to someone you've seen on TV. If you have out-of-state visitors, this is the one restaurant you should take them to.
On the down side, even with reservations you're bound to wait. As you can imagine, every time someone "famous" walks in they get to go first. Waiting an extra 1/2 hour didn't bother me that much I got to see and Enzo, a Diablo, and many more exciting cars and people come by. Watch a bunch of old chubbs walk in with their model-like girlfriends & you'll have so much to gossip time will just fly by
Pros: run into celeberties, great food, very good service