Cedar Point is AWESOME! The rides are GREAT! I am a roller coaster fan and I LOVE Cedar Point. The millenium force was the worlds tallest roller coaster but now the dragster is number one. Millenium force is awesome! The lines may be long for these rides, so if you go early and get a hand stamp that says a time, you can go back and jump into the front of the line for that time and ride the ride and get off in less than 10 minutes! There is also some slower rides, or as I call them ""mom rides"". There is Camp Snoopy for the little ones, games, and this ride where you can race horses! Cedar Point is with out a doubt the best asmument park for the family on a budget, but who else wants a good time!
Pros: Great Rollercoasters, inexpensive, ample choices of ride
Cons: food expensive, long lines, crowded