seldom in this world of giant corporations and poor customer service, does one come across a theatre like majestic bay. i know, i know -- this may sound like a bit much if you think i'm just writing about a theatre, but if you are a true movie fan, someone who hates with a passion this cineplex odeon's/loew's of the world, these comments are for you. ""the bay"" oozes quality, from its great sound system to its intimate theatres, to the incredible craftsmanship of the theatres themselves (the drapes, fixtures, and woodwork give most million dollar homes a run for their money). most of all, however, you can tell this theatre is run by a family who loves movies. and no, i don't know the family . . . but i really wish i did. the bay is what movie houses rarely are -- sweet and comfortable.
Pros: the experience, the picture, the sound
Cons: parking (street only)