I hate to disappoint you 20-somethings, but the under 35 crowd doesn't have the market cornered on "cool".
I'm OVER 35, I'm still hot, I still rock & I had a blast here too.
And, I also prefer places w/o kids.
Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine walking thru a hotel lobby & hearing AC/DC! What a blast!
But I can't wrap my brain around the idea of that "sand beach pool" - HATED it.
People watching is a riot, especially the Britney wannabes.
It's like watching a parade of little girls playing "dress up" in mom's clothes.
Advice: bring 75W bulbs w/ you.
Every single bulb in our room was 40W & the lighting was ridiculously dim.
Try getting dressed in black when you can't SEE your wardrobe!
Try AJ's Steakhouse & Simon for dinner or a cocktail. They both rock.
Pros: young atmosphere, cool tunes, accomodating staff
Cons: rude drunk guests, rm lighing to dim, no coffee makers!!!