Actually this might be the best Thai in the entire metro area, but I guess I haven't tried every single one out there... Anyway, Reuan Thai in Osseo is absolutely top notch, as far as the food goes. Sure the ambiance is a little lacking, but this place is certainly not a hole in the wall, as a previous reviewer said. It's pleasant inside, with a family-owned atmosphere. And it is actually family owned and operated. Food is amazing here! Any of the noodle dishes are choice, as are the seafood dishes, like the fried fish and the shrimp, squid and scallops stirfry. Chicken wings, both the stuffed and the spicy ones, are to die for. I love Reuan Thai! It's worth the drive for good Thai.
Pros: Mouthwatering food, Not crowded, Great value
Cons: Out of the way