Verizon Wireless Music Center which is also formerly known as Deere Creek is the best place for live music and events. They have the best seats in the state, they are arranged at an angel so that no matter where you are sitting it feels like your right in the front row. They also have the best lawn seats with big screen tv's that show you whats going on on-stage! It's better than being in front! The people that work at Verizon Wireless are awesome, they are so nice and generous. They go out of their way to make you feel welcome and help you to make your concert experience unforgetable. I myself have seen almost everyone of my live concerts there, that's 60 concerts ranging from Elton John and Garth Brooks to Nsync and Ozzfest! They do it all and it is always great!
Pros: Inexpensive, great seats and space, variety of artists
Cons: bad parking for cars, drinks can be exp.