Paris has Montparnasse and Pere-Lachaise. Brooklyn has Green-Wood. The burial ground of glass artist Louis Comfort Tiffany, toy magnate F.A.O. Schwartz, dancer/courtesan Lola Montez and composer Leonard Bernstein, this eternal resting place also has graves for historical figures like Elias Howe (the inventor of the sewing machine), Horace Greeley (Civil War editor for the New York Tribune), and Albert Anastasia (a mobster whose nickname was the Lord High Executioner). Not too far from Prospect Park, Green-Wood is the goth's alternative to Brooklyn's ever-popular Botanical Gardens. Walking tours are available. I can't get over how well-kept the sprawling grounds are maintained. For me, Green-Wood is a secret pleasure.
Pros: Beautiful
Cons: Morbid