Friendly: yes. Willing to deal: yes. Long-ass drive to showroom: yes. Worth the drive: YES!
There's a Volvo dealer less than a mile from my home. Another 5 miles, and another 10. But Calabasas Volvo made it worth my time to drive out and lease from them. Dealers closer by all refused to believe the quote from Calabasas, each saying Calabasas would lose about $800 on the deal. According to my salesman Calabasas did lose money on my deal, but he admitted up front that Volvo North America will reimburse for the loss if Calabasas can sell enough cars. So they eat the loss up front and make up for it in the extra incentives Volva N.A. gives out for quantity. Fine with me since it didn't come out of my pocket book. I'm a very happy Calabasas Volvo customer now.
Pros: friendly, honest, dealmakers