MAGIC MOUNTAINT TOTALLY KICKS BOOTY!!! i HAVENT BEEN THERE IN A YEAR SO I COULDNT COMMENT ON X OR DEJA Vu. But all there rides rule! When you go there always ride revolution first! And if you want to really get some bang for your buck go during a weekday in the winter!! You can ride each ride like 12 times and if you saty near closing. You can ride the same rides over and over again without even getting off (aslong as theres nobody in line) and most of the time there isnt...It's a great place to see chicks...Mostly youth oriented...Like teens-30's...Keep the kids and seniors at disney! I even worked for this place and even though i got paid in peanuts it was the funnest job ive ever had! I cant say 1 bad thing about this amusement park! It absolutely rocks!!!
Pros: Fast rides
Cons: Long lined weekend