The food was EXCELLENT. However, the seating is absolutely, positively the most atrocious I've ever experienced anywhere. Every single solitary time a waiter or waitress walked past our table, they inevitably bumped up against my back. Not a problem if you're in line at McDonalds, but DEFINITELY a MAJOR problem if you're in such a highly praised dining establishment. Secondly, the tables were so closely jammed together, one could not help but wonder if the owners were desparate to squeeze as many paying customers in there as possible (I did not expect to have to pay to squeeze myself into a VW Bug like some circus clown), or just plain greedy????? I will never, ever go back, no matter how much anyone else praises their glory. I do so hope and wish they would follow in Haussner's footsteps. . . .
Pros: Good quality food
Cons: Seating is atrocious, Overcrowded, Way overhyped