I remember going to Valleyfair almost every single year, starting when I was 4. When I was a young teen I remember the price being about 15.95 and thought that was a perfect price. It seems that the price keeps going up every year! The last time I was at VF was 2 summers ago when PowerTower went up(wait, maybe that was 3 years ago?) But the food is also expensive and paying for parking sucks too. You also have to pay for everything do at Challenge Park. And that is also expensive. But atleast you don't have to pay for the Waterpark anymore. That is super fun!! Bearenstein Bear Park is creative and fun for kids. VF's shows are ok, not the best. But is a very fun park and I have lots of good memories from it, it's just too bad it's so expensive now.
Pros: rides are great!, fun memories
Cons: pay for parking, need more bathrooms, too expensive 2 enter