Awhile back I was in desperate need of a change. I felt like a cardboard cutout of every other Mom in the neighborhood and every middle aged woman in the county! Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being ??-ish and such but I've always taken pretty good care of myself to the point where I don't look my age and darn it! I was beginning to see myself on the downward slide age-wise!
As I was bemoaning my dislike of my looks to a friend she suggested i try something different from the same old same old hair style so many of my "Mommy friends" were wearing these days.
Feeling a bit on the adventurous side and quite honestly sick to death of my look, I gave Groovy Katz a try! And boy am I glad I did. I had had some BAD
experiences with other salons before (maybe I'll review them if I can get my nerve up) I naturally was a bit nervous.
Entering the shop I was struck with how Young the stylists were! Man, I could have been "Mom" to most of them there! But whatever doubt this put in my mind was quickly vanquished by the most professional, neatly done haircut in a long time.
When the stylist finished I looked pretty darn good if I may say so myself!
Now to be perfectly honest, I don't know if I will return, the prices were a bit above my comfort level but the service was great and the stylists professional....and I do feel better than I have in ages.
For those out there that need a younger looking hairstyle or maybe just for the young at heart, try Groovy'll be pleasantly surprised, believe me.