Honesty time here folks.....I am a pale skinned strawberry blond who was born a flaming redhead......what does that mean? that means I don't tan I BURN!
I was talked into trying out this place by a friend who said she had my best interests at heart and thought I needed a tan for my "self esteem"....personally I think she was tired of the blinding glare coming off my lily white skin!
Anyway, I tried this tanning salon just to make her hapy and hoping, I might add that I might come out looking better than I did when I walked in the door.
I admit I warned the gals at this place that I burned quite easily and they assured me the potions and lotions they offered there along with their careful timing of my tans would keep me from burning......guess what, it didn't work.....I DID get a little color out of the place but not nearly the color I wished for. But to be honest, I once spent a month wandering mediterranean beaches and I didn't come home much tanner than i left then either!
I do suggest however, that others try this business for they do have good customer service, decent prices and they even have specials offered at tvarious times in the year. If you are unsure if there is a special on ask them when you call....they are more than happy to set you up.
Next time I think I will try their spray on tan.........that sounds like a win-win situation for this pale face despite the price! Happy tannning!