Many people are already incorporating massage therapy into their daily lives, much like exercising and eating a healthy diet. It is part of their wholistic wellness regimen. This could be as relaxing as a shiatsu session or as intense as deep tissue massage. It may be targeting certain illnesses, as in the case of acupressure, reflexology or craniosacral therapy, or it may be a supportive measure such as in the case of sports massage or pregnancy massage. In any case, these people are doing the right thing and are more protected than anyone else.
Others wait until they are in a health crisis before they even think of massage therapy. More often than not, that health crisis comes as a result of an auto accident. It is one of the leading reasons why people approach massage therapists for treatment. Massage therapy is often the recommended treatment for injuries acquired from an auto accident. In such cases, make sure that you go to a licensed massage therapist or an LMT, and make sure that he or she does insurance billing for people in auto accidents.