Good: The business runs well at first but when you look closer, it's not what anyone would like.. Bad: The gym is filthy, the gymnasts are bitter and mean, the coaches (or coach should I say) are uncaring and rude, the equiptmenment isn't up to date, the owner is cheap, and the drama is way too intense.. Improvements: None can be made, the owner isn't making enough income with only 3 team groups so the gym should just close down unless money just pops out of the sky because this gym isn;t running great and the team isn't even very good anymore. All the upper levels quit and went to a far better gym due the 'problems' this gym is having.. Other: The gymnasts are so negative towards each other, that's probably why all the upper levels left because of the negativity and degrading comments. The level 10 always walks around with a grimace on her face and is very rude to the gymnasts and coaches. I'm a gymnast there and it's not working out very much..