This place has fooled countless friends into thinking it was a mondo sized convenience/liquor store. As soon as you make your way in you realize you've made a big mistake. You have suddenly been transported to Poland. This place takes the typical Polish store and multiplies the disoriented feeling a thousand-fold. It is a very unique feeling entering this store - and I would recommend it to the Polish community with a special focus on any newcomers who were feeling a little homesick. The deli is spectacular but what makes it amusing are the giant satellite plasma screens broadcasting soap operas and programs straight from the home country. A good majority of the store is products imported straight from Poland. All of its periodicals and newsapapers are Polish. You can even find a copy of National Geographic printed in its Polish edition.... It is an experience like none other. So if you're Polish and you're feeling a little nostalgic this is the place for you. Or just send anyone over for a little bit of culture shock and its sure to amuse you.