I went to The Center after being paranoid to the point of moving cities and changing my number and I didn't have hope. For the first two weeks I found that hope slowly grew and that I was getting better. Now that I've finished/am finishing my program I've realized that hope for me isn't some large beam of light but rather a starry night sky filled with hope from others and myself that I've collected and discovered during my time here. I didn't think I would find hope and if you're in a dark spot in your life where you're unsure of where you should go for help, I highly recommend attending The Center. All progress takes time and it's never linear but at the Center you learn the tools and are a part of a very supportive community that allows you to be vulnerable and heal the parts of yourself that you normally would hide away. The things that you learn and experience here are unforgettable and I definitely will be continuing to live my life from here on out using the tools that were provided to me.