Voyageurs International Ltd is hard-working American family business that is fully invested in the success of your students once in a lifetime opportunity trip. They are the most extraordinary trip concierge group.
I was an employee years ago. I will start with this. I have never known another business or family who is more conscientious, kind, uplifting, transparent, generous, honest-to-the-dollar and fiscally responsible. They are the finest example of a successful American family run business you will find anywhere. These trips have been carefully carved over the course of 50 years to exemplify a complete European trip to include life’s astonishing worldly achievements in architecture, landscape, education, art & history to name a few. Packing the experience is the goal, students remain busy and engaged. If your child was chosen it was because their musical talents and hard work complete the band ensemble for the performances, that are welcomed in these countries every year. It is an honor to be chosen! If your students college education costs $150,000 at the end of four years, this trip will likely be as memorable than their academic learning.
I see some think they are not transparent about where every dollar of your deposit money went? So you think this is trip to Disneyland? How much time do you have because it is extremely complex. ??? Every country has its own laws crafted for deposits and Ive known VIL is upfront about that. So don’t confuse your anger over the loss of $1900, by damaging a 50 year reputation of a hard working family who I promise you isn’t living in some fantasy world of a golden goose. This is hard and stressful work that is about taking care thousands of people and hundreds of businesses. They have lost a full year of business income that pays their overhead. I just hope they survive. Because they literally change the world by building another one into your child’s life.