Just because Voyageurs International puts a rubber stamp saying 'Full & Final Refund' in the signature box of the reimbursement check DOES NOT indicate that I agree that this is the only money owed to me by VIL. The back of the check clearly states 'Endorse Here' and a rubber stamp is not an endorsement by me the 'Pay to the order of' recipient. To be completely honest, not only is that activity unethical but I suspect that there may be some law stating that the endorsement portion of the check can not be used for any other purpose. I highly recommend that individuals deposit the check and also write VIL a letter stating that they do not agree with their rubber stamp in an area of the check that is required for deposit. My recommendation is to cash the check today and we'll see how VIL acts for the remaining $1900 as the media, internet, petitions, and next steps play out. The way that companies behave during this current situation will seal their fate as a company and their character as individuals.