VIL cancelled the trip due to the covid-19 crisis. We had an idea this could happen however they want to keep $1900 of our money per person, Upholding their cancellation policy based on if we decide to cancel. We did not cancel. Below is their reasoning.
"VIL has made payments for travel arrangements that it will not be able to recoup."
I believe VIL has as much right as we do to demand a full refund from the companies they are doing business with based on the current crisis. And the companies they do business with should be happy to refund the money, After all VIL is bring them all this Business. That is what a reasonable business man or woman would do to keep their customer happy especially in a crisis like this.
So in my opinion VIL should do what any reasonable company should do and refund the full amount. After all we the customers of VIL are the one's that give them our business and keep them in business. VIL is taking advantage of their customers in a crisis situation. Do they think we believe that they companies they deal with will not return some or all of the monies they paid? They are taking advantage and they think we are stupid.