Back in Feb. I put a comment about Pool Towns customer service. Two days after I wrote the comment I received a call from Lisa the manager. I explained what the problem was and that for 9 years I have been calling and trying to get someone to look at the cement job that was done by their contractor. I have had problems since the pool was done with the cement breaking off into my pool and the cement sinking and running at my house. I did have extra cement work done by the contractor. When he first gave me a price for the job it was very expensive. I did get other contractors give me estimates. When I told him how much I could get it done for he said to me and I quote " oh you want the ford escort I was doing the Cadillac" my question what should be the difference. I am paying a lot of money for this pool It should all be done like a Cadillac. Now that Im having problems I just keep getting the run around. Back when Lisa called me she begged me to take the comment down and she would take care of everything. I agreed and took the comment down,My mistake. It is now The 24th of June and still have not seen anyone come out to even look. I have called numerous times and either get a recording to leave a message or they would call me back the next week LIARS. When I did talk to the cement contractor the first thing he said is well your out of warranty but Ill come out next week and tell you what to do. The problems I have did not start up over night. The problems happened over time because of the poor workmanship that was done. Sorry it took me an engineer and two more contractors to tell me the same thing that it was all put in wrong and has to be ripped out. Im sorry after putting out 40K for the pool I don't have another 10K to fix the cement and electrical work that the cement is pulling out of the ground. Believe me I have 10 grandkids if anyone gets electrocuted I will own this company. I could go on and on about this POOR Quality of work. Its something you don't know until down the road now they say its to late .