Central Wholesale is a company that conducts business with such utter disregard for integrity that consumers who object to being ripped off should boycott the company. Why boycott Central Wholesale? They do nothing to back up the products they sell. They have no regard for the rights of customers. If all the leaves fall off an expensive bush you buy from Central Wholesale 3 days after you buy it, then it's your tough luck. No refunds, no replacements.
Their staff will feed you their con job: "Oh, that's just transplant shock. The leaves will grow back in a few weeks." Anyone out there want to pay over a hundred bucks for a bush whose leaves fall off the day after it's taken out of its plastic pot? Meanwhile, you're stuck with an eyesore, and the plant never does grow back.
Stay away from this place. They are unprincipled and unreliable. The produce section in any supermarket in the USA backs up and guarantees the condition of what it sells with more regard for its customers than the hapless staff at Central Wholesale.